Monday, November 30, 2020

Testing your knowledge on Dynamics

Read the following question and answer them correctly.

Elements of Music 'Dynamics'

Welcome back students to another live session.

We continues to look at the elements of music.

Our focused topic will be dynamics

What are dynamics? 
Dynamics are symbols or abbreviation that is use to represents the highness and lowness of a piece of music.

The diagram below represents abbreviate symbols used in music to represents dynamics.
Join us next class same time, same place until then stay safe.
Sign: Piano Instructor 

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Monday, November 23, 2020

Activity #2

Note Values

Understanding Note Values

Good morning student welcome back after a very long break
our topic is Note Values.


 Audio Version  

understanding not values
What are Note Values? 
Note Values are duration of how long a not is to be held. 

1. Whole note- last for 4 count or beat.
2. Half note- Last for 2 beat or count.
3. Quarter note- 1 beat or count. 
4. Eight note- last for 1/2 of a beat. 
5. Sixteeth note- last for 1/4 of a beat. 

Have a great afternoon until next week stay safe.
Sign: Piano Instructor 
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Activity #1 Answer the following questions.
Forms, an interactive worksheet by kim1209

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Form continues


Continuation of form as we seek to explore a little Have a great afternoon until next week stay safe. Sign: Piano Instructor

Monday, November 9, 2020

The Piano Instructor

 welcome back everyone!

I want to first start the journey by talking a little about music.

Music is define as the art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuos and unified composition through through melody, harmony, rhythm and timbre.

I'll look at these other terms in my next lesson.

The Piano Instructor

 Are you interested in learning to play the piano? well look no further, the piano teacher is here to walk you through all the steps, you'll have take to master that journey.